Sempu Island is only for Sesearchers not for Tourists

a Panthers in Sempu Island/ Photo by Special

Eastjourneymagz.comSempu Island is the most interesting spot for researchers in Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Oxygen is very abundant from the trees that grow around. It makes the air cold and fresh.

Sempu Island is located in the Indian Ocean with an area of ​​about 877 hectares with rough contours consisting of mountains that are home to wildlife.

There is a beautiful view of a lake (Segara Anakan) that looks green and clear. It is hypnotizing anyone who comes to this place.

Wildlife life around it also attracts attention such as Javan langurs, panthers, gray monkeys, deer, and deer. This animal is protected so that its habitat is very closely guarded.

Sempu Island has been a protected nature reserve since 1928. The local government is responsible for entry permits to this area. The agency that plays a major role in this region is the Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA).

Travel Ban

Over time, this area is often an exploitation object. Many people enter this area without official permission.

As reportedly, the local government promoted Sentu Island tourism in 2018. BBKSDA found several tourism promotions such as posters and billboards with photos of Sempu Island in Juanda II Airport, Surabaya.

This irresponsible promotion includes photos of lagoons in Sempu, lined up with a number of other tourist attractions in East Java. Poster posted since July 2018. BBKSDA sent a letter to stop Sentu Island tourism promotion.

It is known, that this area is a ban on tourist activities. This ban was published in 2017 and is only open to researchers.

Researchers are given the discretion to conduct research activities on this island only for research and development, science, education, and other activities that support cultivation.

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